Why Jesus BEING the Law of Moses is a BIG Problem

Posted: October 25, 2022 in Christology, Fred Anson, Jesus Christ, Mormon Studies, The Chosen TV Series

The Chosen Season 3 Official Trailer. The scene in question starts @1:29.

Concerns About “The Chosen: Season 3 Official Trailer”

by Fred W. Anson
A week ago The Chosen broadcast series posted its official Season 3 trailer. At the one minute, twenty-nine second mark a scene starts in which the actor playing Jesus Christ says, “I am the Law of Moses”. And with those words the Internet, erupted in a hail of words with one side denouncing all or part of The Chosen and its creator/producer/showrunner Dallas Jenkins and the one side defending both. 

I find myself in the middle because let’s face it, none of us (including me) have seen the final version of the scene yet and we don’t, therefore, know the full and complete context for this line. Who knows, given the context of the full scene perhaps this line is perfectly fine. However, that said, just taken at face value, it is extremely problematic. This article explains why. 

That said, I must add, that fanning the fire has been The Chosen team’s weak canned response to inquiries from myself and others regarding the question which thus far has been as follows: 

“Jesus does not say he’s the law of Moses in the Book of Mormon (which Dallas hasn’t read), nor does he use those exact words in Scripture (like most things he says in the show). But either way, Dallas wrote the line for two reasons: one, he thought it was really cool and the kind of thing Jesus could say in response; and two, it’s theologically plausible. He’s the Word, he’s the Creator, he’s the Law.”
(see screenshots included elsewhere in this article) 

This article is, in fact, an expanded (though more tightly edited and polished) version of my own reply to this less-than-satisfactory explanation. I hope that it helps brings clarity to this situation, as well as an impetus to The Chosen team to rectify this problem before this particular episode airs. 

Why This is a Problem
Some have suggested that Jesus saying “I am the Law of Moses” isn’t much of a problem at all – a molehill, not a mountain. Here’s why it is, in fact, the latter:

1) It’s not only unbiblical, it’s utterly unbiblical – foreign in word and concept.
Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus say this and neither do the Apostles, the Old Testament Prophets nor the Patriarchs – up to and including Moses Himself in the Torah. This is true both explicitly AND implicitly. It can be found nowhere in the Bible in either word or in concept, it is a teaching that is totally and completely foreign to the Bible.

So why then is Mr. Jenkins putting words in the mouth of The Chosen’s Christ when there is no biblical support or justification for it? It raises some real issues about Dallas Jenkins’ commitment to biblical fidelity, doesn’t it? Does this mean that we can expect to see more “missteps” like this going forward? That is more speculative theology that has utterly no basis in biblical reality?

Time will only tell.

2) Taken to its logical conclusion it teaches another gospel and another Jesus.
The Chosen team’s explanation for the line in their canned response to inquiries on it is as follows,

“Dallas wrote the line for two reasons: one, he thought it was really cool and the kind of thing Jesus could say in response; and two, it’s theologically plausible. He’s the Word, he’s the Creator, he’s the Law.”

This flippant, dismissive (one might even say adolescent) justification is fraught with big theological problems. Yes, we readily acknowledge and accept the fact that the Bible does say that Christ is the Word (Greek: “logos” meaning “word,” “reason,” or “plan” according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica), and He is the Creator just as John 1 so clearly states:

John 1 KJV
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

However, again, nowhere does the Bible state that Jesus Christ is the Law of Moses, because, plainly stated, biblically speaking He’s not, never was, and never will be. Rather, both the words of the Bible and Christ Himself are quite clear that He was both under the Mosiac Law and fulfilled the Law of Moses so that He might redeem those who were likewise born under it by living a sinless life and atoning for our sin by redeeming us with through His sacrificial death. This isn’t just some guy on the Internet’s opinion it is precisely and explicitly what the Bible says:

Galatians 4:4-5 KJV
“But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”

Luke 24:44 KJV
‘And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.’

Furthermore, theologically, to say that Jesus is the Law of Moses doesn’t just run counter to that, it means that disobeying the Law of Moses in whole or in part is a form of rejecting Christ Himself in part or in whole as well. This is fraught with theological problems and the potential for heresy – such as the intermingling of Mosaic Law and the gospel that Paul so boldly and directly denounced as heresy in the book of Galatians (as well as Romans, Ephesians, and other New Testament books) and that the other Apostles echoed Paul in doing so in their own New Testament books. Or, as Bryan Catherman on the “Salty Believer” website said so well: 

‘Now, the Bible does say Jesus is the Word, the revelation of the living God to his creation (John 1:1), but that is by no means the same as suggesting Jesus is the Law. Jesus is not the Law. There is a clear contrast between the Old and the New Covenants. There is a compelling difference between the Law that “came along to multiply the trespass” and the grace reigning “through righteousness, resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 5:20-21).’
(Bryan Catherman, “Jesus Is the Law of Moses? Did The Chosen Get This Right?”

And Lutheran Theologian Steven Paulson, referring to neither The Chosen nor the Book of Mormon, was even more expansive when he said:

“Luther in his …Galatians Commentary …directly asserts, ‘Christ is not the Law…Christ is not my work.’ Much earlier in this sermon from 1 Timothy, he makes the same assertion, but he also adds in case we are in need of clarification, “The Holy Spirit is not the Law nor vice versa.” God is not the Law nor vice versa.

Therefore, the proper use of the Law consists of not introducing it where it does not belong. To understand this use rightly, you must divide man into two parts and make a sharp distinction between both, namely, the old and the new, as Paul divided them [e.g., Eph. 4:22-24]. Leave the new man completely unentangled by laws; urge the old man ceaselessly with laws and give him no rest from them. Then you have used the Law properly and well. The new man cannot at all be helped by works; he must have something higher, namely, Christ, who is not a law or a work but a gift and present, nothing but grace and mercy of God…”
(Steve D. Paulson, “LW 56, 105, 106-107 Sermons III 1 Timothy 1:8-11”)

And, ironically, this “blurring of the lines” that these authors are warning us about is the very false gospel that the Book of Mormon teaches, as Pam Hanvey summarized so nicely in her classic article on the topic:

‘The Book of Mormon claims to be, “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” but when it is put to the test, the gospel it embodies is nothing more than a man made concoction of of law mixed with grace; a tainted gospel that is condemned by the Apostle Paul.

In Galatians 5:4 (AKJV) Paul writes, “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; you are fallen from grace.” He reiterates his point in Romans 4:13-14 (KJV), “For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect.”’
(Pam Hanvey (writing as “Marie Johnson”), “The Bible v. The Book of Mormon Gospel”)

So the fact that Dallas Jenkins and his staff could or would call this statement from The Chosen’s Jesus “theologically plausible” and “really cool and the kind of thing Jesus could say” is extremely troubling, to say the least. 

3) While it’s never taught in the Bible, it is taught in the Book of Mormon
The biggest question for many folks, especially those with concerns about Dallas Jenkin’s affiliation with Mormons and the LdS Church, is this: Why is The Chosen’s Christ teaching something that is in The Book of Mormon but not the Bible? Does this subtle shift represent the long-feared syncretism of Biblical Christianity with Mormonism that some of The Chosen’s more brazen critics have been warning would eventually manifest on the screen given Mr. Jenkins’ oft-questioned alliance with Mormons and their church? 

Even more concerning is that when I and others have contacted The Chosen team on their Facebook page (see https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen) this is the canned, boilerplate response that we received on this point:

“Jesus does not say he’s the law of Moses in the Book of Mormon (which Dallas hasn’t read)”.

Respectfully, friends, this is the kind of manipulative deflection and obfuscation that preys on the presumed ignorance of the other party that those of us in Mormon Studies see pretty much non-stop from rank-and-file Mormon Apologists. Stated plainly, given the Book of Mormon source (3 Nephi 15:9) in its full and complete context this statement is simply not true. That is “I am the Law of Moses” is indeed exactly what the Book of Mormon Jesus is saying when he says the shortened version “I am the law” in the Book of Mormon. If you doubt me, here is that passage for your consideration: 

3 Nephi 15
2 And it came to pass that when Jesus had said these words he perceived that there were some among them who marveled, and wondered what he would concerning the law of Moses; for they understood not the saying that old things had passed away, and that all things had become new.

3 And he said unto them: Marvel not that I said unto you that old things had passed away, and that all things had become new.

4 Behold, I say unto you that the law is fulfilled that was given unto Moses.

5 Behold, I am he that gave the law, and I am he who covenanted with my people Israel; therefore, the law in me is fulfilled, for I have come to fulfil the law; therefore it hath an end.

6 Behold, I do not destroy the prophets, for as many as have not been fulfilled in me, verily I say unto you, shall all be fulfilled.

7 And because I said unto you that old things have passed away, I do not destroy that which hath been spoken concerning things which are to come.

8 For behold, the covenant which I have made with my people is not all fulfilled; but the law which was given unto Moses hath an end in me.

9 Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live; for unto him that endureth to the end will I give eternal life.

10 Behold, I have given unto you the commandments; therefore keep my commandments. And this is the law and the prophets, for they truly testified of me.

What’s more, the declaration that Dallas Jenkins hasn’t read the Book of Mormon is relevant how exactly? The fact of the matter is that he is citing from the Book of Mormon – be it intentionally or accidentally.  Christians in Mormon Studies who know the Book of Mormon saw the connection immediately and it gave us all pause – a big, long, stunned pause as in, “Did he really, really, really just say that?” And, yes, he did! 

So if Dallas Jenkins really, really, really wanted to hand those in Mormon Studies (and this author, for the record, has not been one of them, I have been a public supporter since Season 1) who have been concerned about his cozy relationship with the LdS Church and its members, bullets to snipe at The Chosen with, then it’s Mission Accomplished! Well done, Mr. Jenkins, well done indeed, your most vocal critics are locked, loaded, and ready to go – and they’ll be yelling, “Thanks for the free ammo, bro!” when they go full “Bonnie and Clyde” on y’all. 

But let’s back up and get “real” here, are they seriously telling us that the Mormons on The Chosen team, didn’t point all this out to him? Really? Seriously? Please paint me skeptical. Those of us who know and understand how Mormon Culture works, know better and we know that “small” details like quotes from the Book of Mormon in popular media are almost never missed by Latter-day Saints – heck they’ll even eisegete them into things if they need to! This is especially incredulous when you consider the fact that the official 2020 LdS Church Home Ministry manual “Come Follow Me” has a lesson entitled, “September 21–27. 3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light” in it which references the 3 Nephi 15:9 passage directly: 

“Like the law of Moses, this law points us to Christ—the only One who can save and perfect us. “Behold,” He said, “I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live” (3 Nephi 15:9).”
(LdS Church, “September 21–27. 3 Nephi 12–16: “I Am the Law, and the Light”, in the “Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020″ manual) 

So, I call either baloney – or at least, “major fail” – on Mr. Jenkins’ Mormon friends and colleagues. You all win the tallest Dundie in the box, for the biggest fumble of Season 3 so far.  So if y’all are wondering who provided that hell storm of live rounds that you’re now seeing coming from the Biblical Christian side of the divide came from, you keep just go look in a mirror and you’ll find the culprit. Self-inflicted wounds are the worst, aren’t they Team Chosen?   

4) Regardless of whether or not The Book of Mormon was the source for this line or not, this raises serious questions about the soundness of Dallas Jenkins’ theology in general.
Dallas Jenkins claims that his scripts are vetted by a panel of Christians from various traditions and denominations prior to being shot. If that’s true then how in the world did they not catch a rather blatant misstep into an area of theological speculation that is as unbiblical and fraught with problems as this one?

Now if The Chosen Jesus had said to the Pharisee in the scene, “I am here to fulfill the Law of Moses” (or something like that) we wouldn’t be having this conversation because that’s biblical. But he didn’t, he is teaching a false gospel from The Book of Mormon instead, isn’t he? Mr. Jenkins and team, how could you all not see that would be a major problem? Why didn’t you woodcraft this line so that it was biblical rather than a squirming can of worms? 

And trust me, I know them well, the Biblical Christians are going to be howling about this if the rest of the scene in the final cut that actually airs, doesn’t remediate this major misstep somehow. It ain’t gonna get better, Team Chosen, it’s gonna get worse! In fact, even I may be withdrawing my long-held support of The Chosen and joining your critics in denouncing it as, minimally, theologically compromised, and, maximally, tainted with Mormon heresies. Team Chosen, I am not going to sit idly by while Dallas Jenkins allows Mormon dogma slowly begin to infect and degrade what to this point has been, at least in my opinion, a biblically sound television series. 

So, I highly recommend and would politely and respectfully (but pointedly) suggest that you all fix this before this episode of Season 3 drops. And, no, that doesn’t mean yet another long-winded rambling post-show “rap” from Dallas explaining why “it’s all OK after it, kids!” airs that we all now just roll our eyes at (that tactic has “played”, Mr. Jenkins, please stop – more walk less talk, please!).

That means that it needs to be fixed in post-production before it goes “gold”, like that. No, it’s cheap; no, it’s not easy; but, yes, it’s the right thing to do. And if you do, I can assure you that I will continue to support, and even defend, The Chosen TV series despite the misgivings about Mr. Jenkins’ theology and judgment that I have had for some time despite my great love for the screen product that he has given us. 

Again, and to sum it all up, if it’s true that Dallas Jenkins hasn’t read The Book of Mormon then putting these words into the mouth of Jesus raises some real issues about just how theologically sound Dallas Jenkins is and just how much discernment this showrunner who claims to hold to biblical orthodoxy actually possesses. If so, does this “ball drop” mean that we can expect to see more facepalm moments like this going forward? More really, really, really bad theology that has no biblical basis or justification at all, is that what we should expect from The Chosen? 

Time will only tell.

Friends, this is a problem. A big problem. And, with all due respect, Mr. Jenkins you need to fix it.


Screenshot of the trailer at the exact time when the actor playing Christ says, “I am The Law of Moses” (@1:42).


APPENDIX 1: My Direct Message Session With The Chosen Staff on Their Facebook Page
Here are the screenshots of my direct message conversation with The Chosen staff on 2022-10-22 for the record – typos and all. Click on the images to zoom them if you are still having trouble reading them. If you’re on a small-screen mobile device (like a phone or tablet) turn it sideways into “landscape” mode as well. 

This was The Chosen team’s final response to all my concerns and my reasons for them.

APPENDIX 2: Why the Term “Canned Response” Isn’t Hyperbole
For those who may be of the opinion that my use of the term “canned response” was hyperbolic, here’s another example of it from another person on Facebook (name redacted upon request) who received the exact same response from The Chosen team that I did. We are two such examples of this, but others have confirmed that they too received exactly the same response as well. 

Another example of The Chosen’s canned DM response whenever queried about this issue via Facebook Messenger.

APPENDIX 3: The Exact Time in the Trailer Where It’s Said
At the end of the article is a screenshot of the Season 3 Trailer at the exact timestamp @1:42 where The Chosen Christ says, “I am the Law of Moses”. The quoted text has been added to this screen capture by this author because the YouTube closed caption and subtitling systems weren’t working for this video when it was screen captured on 2002-10-23 at approximately 2:15PM US Pacific time. You can click on the image or the link on the timestamp in the image caption to validate all this.

  1. For those interested, I have notified The Chosen Team about this article and given them the link as is only right and proper biblically speaking, per Matthew 18:15-18 NKJV which says:

    “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.”

    “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

    Thank you.


  2. Here was my response to Dallas Jenkins’ claim in his 2022-10-25 live stream that Jesus saying “I am the Law of Moses” was theologically possible (the word he used might have actually been “plausible”, it was hard to make out).

    “Claiming that Jesus Christ IS the law is not only not “Theologically Possible” it is rather, Theologically Problematic. For a start, the Bible is clear that Christ was born UNDER the law and FULFILLED the law:

    Galatians 4:4-5 KJV
    “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.”

    Luke 24:44 KJV
    ‘And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.’

    NOWHERE, absolutely nowhere, does the Bible say – or even suggest – that Jesus IS the law. In fact, it says the exact opposite.

    Mr. Jenkins this is a problem. It raises real concerns about both your biblical fidelity and your theological orthodoxy.

    IMO, it needs to be corrected in the episode in which this appears in pre-production prior to airing.

    Respectfully, sir, you are opening a can of theological works here and about to lose a lot of support from those of us who have to this point supported and defended both you and this series if this scene airs as it appears in the Season 3 Trailer.

    Thank you.”

    (see https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheChosen/posts/pfbid0Ff2D5igj54J7nk98mCCb74cDGvcQLVJpH52vHG6KFRYRQK579Knk7cY65sQAtsC8l?comment_id=3341617972738728&__tn__=R )


  3. Dallas Jenkins responds: On October 28th, Dallas Jenkins responded via one of his now infamous long-winded, rambling video responses to critics. After demonizing, marginally, and generally dismissing any and all critics as small-minded, mean-spirited, and an irrelevant distraction, he finally gave the following substantive 3-point response:

    1) He was unaware of the Book of Mormon passage in question when he wrote the scene, but it’s irrelevant because the line “I am the Law of Moses” in the scene isn’t an exact quote of the “I am the law” (3 Nephi 15:9).

    2) His vetting panel of theologians DID review the script in pre-production and raised no issues in regard to the line.

    3) The line IS theologically plausible because Jesus is the ultimate cosmic authority and the creator of the Law of Moses – The Word of John 1. So in this scene The Chosen Jesus is using the words, “I am the Law of Moses” metaphorically like a Police Officer would tell an unruly criminal “I am the law!”

    This video can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2qT8wKKpb8&t=212s

    1) The greater context of 3 Nephi 15 is Christ discussing the Mosiac Law and the statement, “I am the law” is given within that context. Therefore, the final clause “of Moses” is clearly implied by that context. So this is both an irrelevant and an irrational argument.

    2) If his panel of vetting theologians couldn’t see the theological can of worms that this line would open up then he has the wrong people reviewing the scripts. Ditto for any Mormons that he might have had review the script in pre-production who didn’t warn him that he was about to hand his “he’s being unduly influenced by his Mormon backers!” critics an ammo can of bullets for their guns. This was a major “fail!” by both parties.

    3) No one is denying that Jesus is the ultimate cosmic authority and the author of the Law of Moses. That’s NOT the issue. However, to claim that the “logos” (the Koine Greek word translated “word” in John 1) equates to Jesus BEING the Law of Moses is a classic equivocation fallacy. The two are not the same.

    Furthermore, when a police officer says, “I am the law!” he is abusing his authority because stated plainly, he’s not. He is a representative and enforcer of the law, nothing more. So again, this is another equivocation fallacy.

    In the end, this video wasn’t helpful.

    Going forward, I would encourage Mr. Jenkins to heed the wisdom of Christ when He really DID say:

    “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny.”
    (Matthew 5:23-26 NKJV)

    By taking this type of strident, recalcitrant, condescending stance all Dallas Jenkins does is make himself look like he is stubborn and unwilling to listen to the concerns of others. And the demagoguery that he engages in with his followers in these videos is extremely concerning.

    After this incident, I am finding my enthusiasm for The Chosen waning greatly – not because it’s not the great screen product that it is, but simply because my trust in Dallas Jenkins has been shaken by his bad judgment and unsettling behavior.

    Thank you.


    • Regarding Dallas Jenkin’s 2022-10-28 video response reference to Spurgeon, here is the Spurgeon quote that Mr. Jenkins glosses on (but fails to cite) in the video in its full and complete context:

      “Let atheists scoff, let deists sneer, let the vain Socinian boast, let the Arian lift up his puny voice–but we will glory in this fact–that He that bought us with His blood is Jehovah–very God of very God. At His footstool we bow and pay Him the very homage that we pay to His Father and to the Spirit–

      ‘Blessings more than we can give,
      Be Lord forever Yours.’*

      But the text speaks about righteousness, too–“Jehovah our righteousness.” And He is so. Christ in His life was so righteous that we may say of the life, taken as a whole, that it is righteousness itself. Christ is the Law incarnate. Understand me, He lived out the Law of God to the very full and while you see God’s precepts written in fire on Sinai’s brow, you see them written in flesh in the Person of Christ–

      ‘My dear Redeemer and my Lord,
      I read my duty in Your Word,
      But in Your life the Law appears
      Drawn out in living characters.’

      He never offended against the commands of the Just One. From His eye there never flashed the fire of unhallowed anger. On His lip there did never hang the unjust or licentious word. His heart was never stirred by the breath of sin or the taint of iniquity. In the secret of His heart no fault was hidden. In His understanding was no defect. In His judgment no error. In His miracles there was no ostentation. In Him there was indeed no guile. His powers being ruled by His understanding, all of them acted and co-acted to perfection’s very self so that never was there any flaw of omission or stain of commission.”

      (Charles Spurgeon, “The Lord is Our Righteousness”; https://www.thekingdomcollective.com/spurgeon/sermon/395/ )

      * uncredited citation from verse three of the hymn, “Come let us join our cheerful songs”

      ** uncredited citation from verse one of the hymn, “My Dear Redeemer and My Lord”


        A lot could be said about Mr. Jenkin’s use of this quote, but suffice to say, in short, Spurgeon’s use of the words, “Christ is the Law incarnate” to justify his use of the words, “I am the Law of Moses” are a False Equivalence Fallacy.

        The two contexts and uses are nothing alike, are they?

        Furthermore, why is that that Dallas Jenkins will claim that the use to “I am the law” (3 Nephi 15:9) is NOT like his words, “I am the Law of Moses” because the words aren’t EXACTLY the same, but he will claim that Spurgeon’s words, “Christ is the Law incarnate” is like his words?

        Stated plainly: Why the Double Standard and Moving Goalposts depending on the need and/or agenda?

        Or put another way: Mr. Jenkins, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Which one is it?

        Thank you.


    Chosen Apologists are now also using a quote from Martin Luther that they claim supports Dallas Jenkin’s position. Here is how they present that quote:

    “Thus Christ, with most sweet names, is called my law, my sin, my death, against the law, against sin, against death: whereas in very deed he is nothing else but mere liberty, righteousness, life and everlasting salvation. And for this cause he is made the law of the law, the sin of sin, the death of death, that he might redeem from the curse of the law, justify me and quicken me. So then, WHILE CHRIST IS THE LAW, he is also liberty, while he is sin, he is righteousness, and while he is death, he is life. For in that he suffered the law to accuse him, sin to condemn him, and death to devour him, he abolished the law, he condemned sin, he destroyed death, he justified and saved me. So is Christ the poison of the law, sin and death, and the remedy for the obtaining of liberty, righteousness and everlasting life.”
    (Martin Luther, “Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians”, (1531))

    Please notice how they present this quote without the full citation, without the full context, and with the date of Luther’s commentary incorrectly given as “1531”(rather than the correct date of 1535). This is extremely problematic since when the quote is vetted in its full and complete context and from a known, fully verifiable source, this is what we find:

    “By faith in Christ a person may gain such sure and sound comfort, that he need not fear the devil, sin, death, or any evil. “Sir Devil,” he may say, “I am not afraid of you. I have a Friend whose name is Jesus Christ, in whom I believe. He has abolished the Law, condemned sin, vanquished death, and destroyed hell for me. He is bigger than you, Satan. He has licked you, and holds you down. You cannot hurt me.” This is the faith that overcomes the devil.

    Paul manhandles the Law. He treats the Law as if it were a thief and a robber He treats the Law as contemptible to the conscience, in order that those who believe in Christ may take courage to defy the Law, and say: “Mr. Law, I am a sinner. What are you going to do about it?”

    Or take death. Christ is risen from death. Why should we now fear the grave? Against my death I set another death, or rather life, my life in Christ.

    Oh, the sweet names of Jesus! He is called my law against the Law, my sin against sin, my death against death. Translated, it means that He is my righteousness, my life, my everlasting salvation. For this reason was He made the law of the Law, the sin of sin, the death of death, that He might redeem me from the curse of the Law. He permitted the Law to accuse Him, sin to condemn Him, and death to take Him, to abolish the Law, to condemn sin, and to destroy death for me.

    This peculiar form of speech sounds much sweeter than if Paul had said: “I through liberty am dead to the law.” By putting it in this way, “I through the law am dead to the law,” he opposes one law with another law, and has them fight it out.

    In this masterly fashion Paul draws our attention away from the Law, sin, death, and every evil, and centers it upon Christ.

    VERSE 20. I am crucified with Christ.

    Christ is Lord over the Law, because He was crucified unto the Law. I also am lord over the Law, because by faith I am crucified with Christ.

    Paul does not here speak of crucifying the flesh, but he speaks of that higher crucifying wherein sin, devil, and death are crucified in Christ and in me. By my faith in Christ I am crucified with Christ. Hence these evils are crucified and dead unto me.”
    (Martin Luther, “Commentary on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians”, (1535), Chapter 2, Galatians 2:17-21, pp. 68-85, Translated by Theodore Graebner, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1949); https://www.projectwittenberg.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/luther/gal/web/gal2-17.html )


    • ADDENDUM: After pressing, it turns out that the source for the Luther quote that the Mormon Apologists are using turned out to be http://www.lutherdansk.dk/1%20Galatian%201535%20-%20old/A%20COMMENTARY%20ON.htm and 1531 was the date of the original lectures, not the date of publication of the translation.

      The preface, gives the provenance for this now dated translation which is as follows:

      “The original edition of this Commentary – in Latin, like the lectures on which it was based – was prepared for the press by George Rörer, one of Luther’s most assiduous and reliable reporters, with some assistance from Veit Dietrich and more from Caspar Cruciger. These are the ‘brethren’ to whom Luther refers in his Preface. All three had attended the lectures in 1531, and Rörer, at any rate, had taken very full notes (in an abbreviated script of his own) on the whole course. These notes are printed above the published text of the Commentary in the Weimar edition of Luther’s works, and they are occasionally cited in the footnotes of the present volume, where they are referred to as ‘Rörer’s MS.’ They show, incidentally, that the course began on July 3rd and ended on December 12th, and that there were forty-one lectures in all. The whole of the published text is based on these notes, except for the exposition of Galatians 5:6, which derives from a manuscript of Luther’s own that was made available to Rörer, although it was not written specifically for this Commentary. At the end of July 1532, Rörer began to write out the lectures, consulting Dietrich and Cruciger from time to time to check his accuracy. Early in 1534 the work was in the hands of the printer, and a year later it was published. A second, revised edition followed in 1538, and a German version in 1539.

      More than thirty years later, in 1575, the first English edition was published, the translation being based on the second Latin edition. In 1577 it was ‘diligently revised, corrected, and newly imprinted againe,’ and two more printings followed before the century was out. All subsequent English editions, with one exception, appear to have been either reproductions or abridgments of the sixteenth-century translation. The best known of them is the so-called ‘Middleton’ edition, first published in 1807, which was reprinted six or seven times during the nineteenth century, and furnished the text for J.P. Fallowes’ abridgment in 1939. It takes its name from the fact that it is prefaced by a ‘Life of the Author and a complete and impartial history of the times in which he lived, by the late Rev. Erasmus Middleton, B.D., Rector of Turvey, Bedfordshire.’ Middleton was an Evangelical clergyman of the Church of England, who died in 1805. His ‘Life’ of Luther had been published in the first volume of his Biographia Evangelica in 1769. It is not clear by whom the 1807 edition of Luther’s Galatians was prepared for the press, but its general character suggests a not too skillful modernization (in respect of spelling, punctuation and so forth) of a considerably older text, without any reference to the Latin original.

      In the preparation of the present edition an original ‘Middleton’ has been used, together with a black letter edition of 1616, which was the earliest available; and the entire text has been compared with the original Latin. It would have been too long and costly an undertaking to produce a completely new, modern translation, and there was in any case much to be said for retaining the style of the Elizabethan translators, who were at least as close to Luther in spirit as in time, and who spoke English as he would have spoken it if it had been his native tongue. If their rendering of the Latin is not entirely literal, it is often more nearly so than modern speech would allow, and it retains much more of the pungent flavor of the original.

      (Philip S. Watson. Handsworth Methodist College, Birmingham. )”


  5. Chuck Ness says:

    Well written article, and your defense of the truth is spot on. My biggest problem with any big production that tries to fit stories from the Scriptures into movies or television shows is the many extra words needed to make the whole thing plausible. In those many new words added, is when false doctrine is slipped in. his is why I have a problem with this series. I have said it time and time again, it’s the small 1% poison we are to be watchful of that many new baby Christians are unaware of but can fall into false doctrine due to it.

    You do nit kill a mouse with 100% poison, you lure them into consuming the poison by putting 1% or less poison into the food to kill them. The best poisons are the ones that have so little, it lures them into taking it back to the nest so they will also kill the other mice as they all consume it.

    This is why we should be reading the Scriptures everyday, so we can be aware of falsehoods the moment we hear them. As Christians, we cannot simply rely upon others to inform us about the Word of GOD. Attending church once a week to be fed, while seldom if ever reading HIS Word will not help the soul grow closer to its Lover, GOD.

    He created us to be in fellowship with HIM, and to do so we must be reading HIS Word on a regular basis. I reiterate what I have said to many of new young in Christ Christians, and older more mature children of Christ, we must be like the Bereans, who searched the Scriptures daily to learn if what they were told is true, and backed up by Scripture. It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to read the Word daily, and to read it to our children daily.

    When we depend upon someone else to tell you what the Bible says, then we put ourselves in jeopardy of falling for lies that could lead us and our children’s souls straight to hell. On judgment day, GOD is not going to give us a mulligan because we were too lazy to read HIS Word.

    In closing, I want to say good job, and do not back down from the defense of the Word, too many milk toast Christians refuse to rock the boat. This only allows Satan’s minion free reign in spreading lies about the Gospel truths.



  6. Simply,
    The issue of this wide-reaching controversy is the negative (wide-reaching from confessional to fundamentalist) Protestant association with the term Law and the consequential literalistic interpretation thereof. This has produced a long-winded and unending filler of wasted breath from Dallas and his team as well as all the “Pastor” blogs. I am an Eastern Catholic Christian, fully in communion and under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Pope of Rome yet Eastern in practice. In this, as in Orthodoxy Salvation is continual through life and it is synergistic, the Law was so as well it was continually obeyed and was so given by God for man to act in response. The literalistic interpretation of the negative Pauline associations of the Law in the instances of the Judaizing sectarians are not necessary when referring to the Law of Moses in certain instances. The Law of Moses reveals our imperfection and our lack of ultimate fealty to God but that is not all it is. From an immediate clear conceptualization of Scripture reading Galatians 3 in its entirety:
    “Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.”
    Indeed, the Law can indeed by spoken of positively in that it was what was Christ was born under and was necessary as a result of the Transgressions of Man. The one that didn’t follow it became accursed. The Law was then indeed a necessity until the Incarnation, as much is obvious in introductory Catechesis. Moses brought Law, Christ brought Faith & Grace. The Law-Giver was perfectly righteous, he is the summation, fulfillment, and also its absolute superior deficient in nothing. Briefly, returning to the context of the show, Jesus is told that if He does not recant His statements he will be tried according to the Law of Moses, He simply responds that He is all that He is to be tried by. We are not under the Law we are under the Christ, so Christ supersedes. I know it has been denounced many times over in various blogs but this statement is not very far off from the statement that if you had listened to Moses you would know Christ, after all in an entirely typological read, the entire wealth of the Tanakh is Christological in nature and points solely to the Incarnation. There need not be a soteriological controversy based on exclusivist terminology and Sola Scriptura theology it is not further a problem beyond the statement in Hebrews, in speaking of the New Convenant, the first becomes Old. I think the intention of the writers is simply Christ is all that was written about the Law and the Law reveals the necessity of Christ in our lack of righteousness as the Law was made for the unrighteous and secondarily, the Law of Christ in grace and faith in the New is expressed in the incisive statement, “I Am the Law of Moses” working in context with the Pharisaical statement that Christ must be tried by the Law of Moses. Lastly, as someone that has worked against Mormon claims and has worked diligently as an apologist to them this statement is far removed from that which is explicit and implicit in Mormon soteriology. The show is anything but supporting of heterodox and blasphemous Mormon gospel and does not intend to imply any alternative Gospel than that which is Biblical and Apostolic in this statement or any of its works.


    • I am more than open to correction if it genuinely believed that it is necessary to maintain the literalistic interpretation and exclusive negative interpretations of the term “Law of Moses.”


      • As am I. However, I think you may be a bit confused. There are no, “exclusive negative interpretations of the term “Law of Moses.”’ in Protestant quarters – that is unless they are heretical Antinomians, of course, and I will join you in denouncing them and their heresy. Nor was that the issue with this line in this Season Three Trailer.

        The problem is that the line, as presented, is equivocally conflating the incarnated human Christ AS the Law of Moses rather than simply presenting Him as FULFILLING the Law of Moses at that moment in human history.

        That and Mr. Jenkins’s absolutely horrible response to critics became the bigger issues.

        I will happily address any other issues, if there are any, after I have actually seen the final scene as broadcast. But that may be some time, my interest in The Chosen series has waned tremendously thanks to Mr. Jenkins and his crew.


    • @Robert Morabito, please bear in mind that this article – and most of the other public denunciations that were published around the same time – were based on the Season Three trailer not the actual, final scene in the show. You will note that the following caveat was made at the very beginning of my article, that the line in the greater context of the scene might make it all moot:

      “I find myself in the middle because let’s face it, none of us (including me) have seen the final version of the scene yet and we don’t, therefore, know the full and complete context for this line. Who knows, given the context of the full scene perhaps this line is perfectly fine. However, that said, just taken at face value, it is extremely problematic. This article explains why. ”

      And, oh BTW, I still haven’t seen Season Three yet. Based on my bad experience with Mr. Jenkins and his team on this matter, my enthusiasm for the show has cooled tremendously. I am no longer the strong, outspoken “The Chosen” advocate and show promoter that I was before all this went down.

      In addition, and to segue off of that last remark, this article, as well as many others, was made in response to Dalla Jenkins and the Chosen Team’s absolutely horrible response to the criticism of this line in the Season Three trailer. If he had put up the well-formed, cogent, and persuasive explanation that you did, he would have gotten a much, much, much different response than he did. However, instead, he chose to be combative, petulant, and dismissive.

      It has been said before and I will say it again, Dallas Jenkins’ greatest enemy is himself and his neverending stream of public blather. His critics need not manufacture any bullets to fire at him because he regularly provides them in abundance to his critics. He would do us all a huge favor by simply making great art and leaving the public relations work to folks who are good at it – since he’s clearly not.

      All that to say: Dallas Jenkins would you please, for the sake of yourself and your show, please shut up!
      (I’m even hearing fans of the show say this now, we are ALL tired of hearing him pontificate and puff endlessly)

      And all that to ALSO say, thank you for your thoughtful and articulate comment. It is appreciated.


  7. Ace Freeman says:

    This was just painful to read. It was for dramatic purposes to further the narrative in this form of media. Jesus also didn’t say he dislikes raisins, or that he wanted to stay in a haunted bedroom.

    But this line that rubbed you the wrong way, and that you went to great lengths to upset yourself over, was brilliant in that it allowed Jesus to proclaim divine authority in six words. It was definitely plausible, and for the purposes of the scene – was brilliantly executed. It definitely helped the scene stay true to the spirit of what was being told in this particular bit of scripture.

    The mental gymnastics to link it to Mormonism and to create a faux theological crisis was painful and dripping with self importance. I’m now going to navigate away from this page and never think if it again.


    • @Ace Freeman, thank you for opinion but what you have completely here is missed is the historical context. Please look at the date that this article published (October 25, 2022) versus when the full episode aired (December 25, 2022).* There was a several week gap and all we had to go on was the Season Trailer – which the article plainly states.

      So yes, we know the full context of the line NOW because we have the entire scene in Season 3, Episode 3, (entitled “Physician, Heal Yourself”) to consider rather than just a few second clip in a few second trailer. At the time this was written and published all that we had was the latter. And Mr. Jenkins didn’t help matters by refusing to explain or show the line in the context of the entire scene. As usual, he was his own worst enemy by responding in the (typical) immature and arrogant manner in which he did. All he needled to do was explain the line in the context of the full scene and all this would have been avoided. He did not, he simply threw gasoline on the fire that he himself had lit with his poor judgment and flawed theology.

      This this article wasn’t the first at the time to raise the issues given the information that we had at the time, nor was it the last. We all did the best with what we had at the time and Dallas Jenkins not only did nothing to bring greater light, knowledge, and understanding, he made matters worse through his usual bratty snotty behavior – something that is now a pattern with him whenever he’s publicly criticized. Like so many others, I love Dallas Jenkins’ screen product but I can’t stand his horrible behavior behind the screens and in public. It got old a long time ago. Now it’s just annoying.

      Furthermore, and in closing, the article itself stated plainly the possibility that the line would be fine in its full and complete context once the full episode finally aired – something that your harsh, unfair critique failed to acknowledge. Mr. Freeman, exactly what was unclear about these words in the article: “I find myself in the middle because let’s face it, none of us (including me) have seen the final version of the scene yet and we don’t, therefore, know the full and complete context for this line. Who knows, given the context of the full scene perhaps this line is perfectly fine.”; or these words in the subtitle for that matter; “Concerns About “The Chosen: Season 3 Official Trailer(bolding added for emphasis)?

      This article, like all the rest written at the time, did the best it could given the available information. And in the end, the fact remains that nowhere in The Bible does Christ ever state that He is the Mosaic Law. However, The Mormon Jesus of The Book of Mormon most certainly does – and more than once in different ways. Ditto for other the Mormon Jesus speaking in various and sundry Doctrine & Covenants revelations. Regardless, and Mormonism aside, the problems and theological issues surrounding such a statement untethered from Christ saying that He is the FULFILLMENT of the law – which both He and the Apostles DID say in The Bible – remain.

      So given that theological and historical context I stand by this article. However, if your comment represents how you generally approach disagreement with others – that is in an overly harsh, unjust, uninformed matter – then by all means please DO move along. You’ll be doing us both a favor. Please don’t let the screen door hit ya on your way out, Mr. Freeman.

      And after you’re gone, we will continue to enjoy The Chosen screen product while keeping an ever wary watchful eye on the untrustworthy and unreliable Dallas Jenkins since his behind the scenes and off screen behavior only continues to get worse and worse.

      Thanks again.

      * a full chronology of The Chosen series can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Chosen_episodes


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